Innocent Chaos

Lucinda Faux Bridal Bouquet


Elevate your wedding with the captivating 'Lucinda' Bridal Bouquet from Innocent Chaos. This exquisite arrangement combines vibrant green, tan, and ivory hues with luxurious faux orchids, roses, ferns, and flocked amaranthus. Experience the enchantment and sophistication of this stunning bouquet.

With its harmonious fusion of colors and textures, the 'Lucinda' Bridal Bouquet is a symbol of natural beauty. The faux orchids, roses, ferns, and delicate flocked amaranthus create a captivating composition that radiates charm and elegance.

Enjoy the flawless appearance of our premium artificial flowers throughout your special day. With no worries of wilting or delicate petals, the 'Lucinda' Bouquet will be a lasting keepsake of your special day.

Make a statement with the 'Lucinda' Bridal Bouquet. Let Innocent Chaos bring an extra touch of enchantment to your wedding day. Order now and experience the magic of luxury faux flowers at their finest.

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