
Misty Bouquet Green


Our beautiful handmade Misty faux foliage bouquet is carefully designed using the highest quality artificial greenery. Its natural design looks like it could have been gathered from your garden just before the wedding. The array of soft sage greens mixed with the brighter green tones makes this beautiful bouquet a stunning addition to your wedding style.

Why buy from Innocent Chaos? At Innocent Chaos we carefully select each of our flowers by hand to make sure that your delicate designs carry the highest level of quality. Each of our creations are packed with love and character so that the attention to detail shines throughout your wardrobe. This means that each Innocent Chaos design is unique just for you so no two are exactly the same.

Packaging: One hat box and tissue paper.
Bouquet Size: Various available. (The model is carrying 25cm Medium)
Colour: Various greens

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